Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Party Pictures :D

Well, today was probably one of the most exciting days of runescape history for me :D. i successfully threw my first party and it was a success! at the beginning, the party started really slow, not many where there. few friends stopped by and wished me a great 18th birthday. I loved to see friends old and new enjoy it with lots of laughs. I was kinda bumbed that nobody would show up but they a half hour late. After the party room, we went to the G.E. to do a but of skilling. Not many of us participated but watever, lol. Anyways, after that, we decided to play hide and seek! We had the vothing hats to signify if u were it or not. The red ment u were it and the blue ment u were a hider. lol, anyways, i got a few levels today and i loved the whole day throughout :D. i even got to finally meet one of my fellow runescapeains, Full Of Pie. Boy, was she cool. She deffinately worth the meeting, lol. Anyways, party was a success and it lasted hours. Thanks for all the birthday wishes and hope to post again soon, thanks :D

Monday, March 29, 2010

Birthday party!


Well, if you didn't know yet, Saturday is my birthday. I am hosting a party at my house i just made at 4pm eastern time. Having a lot of Free to play friends, i just wanted to let them get a chance to celebrate with me :D. At around 4:45pm eastern time, i will be moving to party tothe fally party room on world 7. Then, i came up with a clan event after my party so i can get my goal of 60 cooking and woodcutting. Now, im not much of a skiller type person so i usually make my money in alternate ways. I used to make all my money crafting sapphire necklaces and mining. Now the prices are all weird and stuff but watever.back to the topic, lol, im having the party on wendsday and 4pm eastern time. Feel free to come and help me celebrate :D. im turning the big 18!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Slowly i am getting my cash up. I can know replace some of my armour!! Having a good time training my skills, i can across a lvl 137. He told me not to mention his name so watever... Anyway, he told me to kill dragons for some money during xp weekend and i can even get up my very, very low strength (only 60 at the time). Well, i totally forgot about dragons and how much cash they can, silly me! I did what the lvl 137 told me and BAMM!!! i made about 500k in a few hours! i bought some granite and a dragon skirt..even though im a guy, lol. Seems like making this money that i lost was going to come back in no time. Then, oh no....a rev! And u wouldnt even guess...i died again. Lost my granite platebody and a dragon longsword. Well, seems like the worst week ever. I quit for a couple days, saying to myself that i should maybe quit because dying seems to catch up to my from all these years. Then i rethought...NOPE!! i couldnt just quit on it like that, gotta pursue to get to lvl 80 by the end of this year with my "noob" account(only one that i have membership on right now). So, instead of posting about my yet another loss, i just bought a lot of lobs and returned to those horrible dragons...and i made about 300k. I thanked God for teaching me a valuable lesson, never wear all you have to the dragons, lol. I bought a new granite body and now im saving my cash up.

For anyone who cares, my current armour is granite platebody, rune legs, ddp+++(thanks merch and death), dragon helm, obby cape, tozk sheild, and ammy of glory. its all i can afford but im mostly training skills anyway. i am getting my also low woodcutting up to lvl 45(have 3 more levels to go :D). I am also going to be training magic too...while doing so, i am going to make all my runes, armour, and staff!!!

feel free to pm in the game if you want to come and/or watever.
my name is "woodsman1188"...changed it to "oreos o_0"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wow, generous?

While i am doing my usual blogging, i wrote about my tragic loss. Now, the loss was something that proved that scamming could still be done these days. Even though Jagex made it much harder, there still is a lot of ways to get around the system. I couldn't believe how much support that i got from fellow bloggers and runescape players. Not only was the support there, but also the assistance. It was truly amazing. I was fishing for lobsters when i told my story to everyone because them wanted to hear it soo bad. I told it, same as usual, and i guess a lot of people had some comments. They ranged from, "How long did you know this kid?" to something like i would buy you full dragon back but there is this obnoxious trade limit. I came across so many people telling them this is a leason to learn from. I got many offers but i couldn't take them. i hate being helped...especially since i work so hard to get everything myself. I HAD to take a generous donation from Deathrole and Merch Gwyar. The donations consisted of a dragon dagger piosoned and a hunk of cash. They both helped me come along for a little bit. I had to take a pic with Merch after she helped me..Thanks Merch and Deathrole.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Wow, yesterday was an eventful day. I went to work after school and i went onto the computer. I was hoping to get my rank five attack in barb assault when i couldn't log on. I soon went to the home page and bam! there was like 3 updates?!?! Now, i just going crazy because that was like the only time i could play runescape for the next few days. i need to get my goal but i was held back while they did the updates.

the first update was the Hit Points. They are now called Constitution. I don't know where they got the name but it sounds completely weird to me. I am probably going to call them hp still but I'll try to get used to it. Pretty much, you add a zero to the end of your original hp. For attacking, you do the same.

Another one of the updates was the Stones. When you skill, you get these random stones. you bring two of these stones to a person in the museum in Varrock.These stones give you some extra xp. I haven't really looked into this update much but i hope to take advantage of it :D

Lastly, the lobby update. This update kinda upsetted me. I had a hard time trying to log in because there was so much to load. Now, im not a big fan of World of Warcraft but runescape is becoming to much like it. I play runescape because i want something slightly less annoying than WoW but also about the same, challenge wise. I dont really appreciate the lobby but i'll try to get used to that update too. Many of my fellow friends on runescape say that runescape has got out of hand with the new updates. They want to "retire." i told them best of luck and i'll be there any time for them if they return. Well, off to sociology! Cheers!

Monday, March 1, 2010

My Tragic Loss

Well, last week i was hanging out with a old friend that i trusted a lot. He helped me many times so i had full trust with him. I told him he had pretty sweet armour(pretty much full 3rd age armour) and i had full dragon. I was like, you want to take a screen shot. We were at clan wars so he said,"Sure, lets go in the red portal though so nobody can disturb us when we are taking our pictures." so i agreed and proceeded with the who plan. Then...out of the blue, he casts me into Ice Barrior. I was like,wtf? Then, he takes out his rune claws and kills me in 4 hits. All with the special attack on. Now, I'm not made of money or anything...i have always worked hard for my stuff. I rarely ask of anything from anybody. At the moment, i was carrying pretty much all i had so i can take multiple pictures of multiple sets of armour. while i was there, i was carrying all fairly expensive stuff. I had full dragon armour, rune claws, full rune armour, dragon dagger(+++), green gloves, boots, and cape, obby cape, spiney helmet, amulet of glory, granite platebody, blue shorts, granite maul, dragon two hand, and something else, that i can't think of at the top of my head. Even after all this happened. i didnt even manage to get a picture. This all took me months to get this money for all this, but seconds to lose it all. Tragic lose indeed.