Monday, November 30, 2009

in regards to runescape accounts and information

The currant runescape accounts that i have availible is:
-combat level:7 type:skiller account, male highest skill:mining-41 stuff in bank: 130k, rune pickaxe,lots of iron ore

-combat level:53 type:all around,mage, male highest skill:magic-53,mining-55
stuff in bank:200k+, lots of runes, lots of armour of different types

-combat level:65 type:all around, ranger, male highest skill:woodcutting-74, firemaking-73,range-57 stuff in bank:santa suit,300k+, runecrafting gloves,green d'hide(g), 600k+ steel arrows

*there are other accounts availible but they are in the process of being finalized...if u would like to trade for any of these..lemme know by responding via comment or email, these are just the new accounts availble.

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